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Signing S&P during Covid pandemic

Buying property at Malaysia but you cant travel back to Malaysia! HOW?

You will need third party witness when you sign the S&P and he can't be you and me. So, make an appointment at Malaysia Embassy in Singapore or Notary public.

MALAYSIA EMBASSY (Malaysia High Court)

Firstly, send an email to <> to make appointment.

They will reply you with an appointment date or they will ask you send in again after a timeframe.

For my case, I sent in on March and they replied:

So I send in again on 1/6/2021 and I got replied with a date, 13/8/2021, between 8-9am.

Please prepare 2 sets of your IC (Malaysia) photocopy and passport. And payment by CASH only.

Update your agent on the date so that he and the lawyer can start to prepare the document and courier to you at your country (postage to borne by the developer or lawyer)

Meanwhile, we got our agent to deal with the notary public and we got the quotation.



1. 2 notary certs for the SPA.

2. 1 notary cert for the 3 SDs ie items 2,4 and 5.

3. 1 cert for MOT

4. 2 certs item 6 & 7 combined. Item 6 is the form 16A right? Each 16A comes together with an Anne cure right?

5. 3 certs for the faculty agreement.

Total 9 certs. Fee is S$1800. All 19 documents will be witnessed.

Signing bank loan offer letter

My husband colleague (who is UOBSG staff) advise us to get our banker to send the document down to UOB Singapore branch for signature. My UOB banker prepared everything and send down the document at designated UOB branch in Singapore. The signing to be witness by the UOBSG staff (on site) and UOBM banker via video call. Then they will arrange the courier and the postage fee are borne by UOB.

Signing S&P

On 13/8/2021, we reach there around 7.30am and join the queue. The queue is not terribly long and the weather is good. The gate open around 8.05am and the officer will have a quick check please show your email appointment (I printed it out). After go in, we queue at [consular]. Few minutes later, the officer will pass you a form. After fill in and attach your photocopy IC & passport (I remember only request for 1), press for queuing number. NO VIDEO AND PHOTO ARE ALLOW so you can skip your vlog idea.

The staff looks not friendly (as usual). She request us to put sticker on every single page that needed to be witness. Luckily she pass us the sticky note or else I think we need to come back another day. Our lawyer did mark down which page to be witness but no sticker (so, please remind your lawyer to do so to avoid any missing page). We quickly done it and go back to the counter. Gently remind all the forms or documents is STRICTLY fill and sign by BLACK GEL PEN (provided at the counter but we prepared our own). And yeah, we start signing our documents (that only need to be witness), by standing in front of the counter.

After payment, the officer will pass you a yellow slip stated which day and time to collect your document.

The whole process take 1.5hr, we left the embassy at around 9.30am.

You can collect on any date after the said date (ONLY WEEKDAY), but the collection time is fixed.

Collection is very easy. Just show your yellow slip at the guard house for entry, then pass it to the office at the consular and wait your name to be called.

Courier the document back to Malaysia

Singpost offer 2 courier company and we choose the one charge S$55 (forget which courier company) while DHL is charging $91-100.


  1. signing loan offer letter borne by UOB

  2. witness at MHC $250

  3. courier doc back to MY $55

Well, everything will be FOC if you are signing your S&P in Malaysia~

Thanks for reading.


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